Dana Moore
2 min readApr 5, 2021


In explaining how he has grown his fitness business, my personal trainer often says “It’s really simple. I have a big tent. All who wish to get fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle are welcome. All are included.” He goes on to explain that he is able to adapt his training plan to fit the needs of every client. This model of INCLUSION can and should be adopted in all aspects of our lives, especially our work life.

So, what’s meant by workplace inclusion? Here’s a great definition: Inclusion is the achievement of a work environment in which all individuals are treated fairly and respectfully, have equal access to opportunities and resources, and can contribute fully to the organization’s success.

How can you achieve workplace inclusion? Understand and address the implicit bias we all carry, use inclusive/gender neutral language, be intentional in creating a respectful environment, assure equal access to resources regardless of individual demographics. In short, adopt a “big tent” approach, welcome everyone into it and make sure that equality happens in that space.

Marinate on this for a minute and then let’s get busy co-creating equity for Baltimore City and the world. Please reach out to me at Equity.danapmoore@baltimorecity.gov for ideas on how you can change the world from right where you are, right now!

Dana Moore
Dana Moore

Written by Dana Moore

Chief Equity Officer for the City of Baltimore

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